Thursday 7 July 2016

term 2 PMI


  •  I made the A team for football winter sport and I play in goal keeper
  • SML this term was very great because there has been more task compered to last term


  • we have lost a winter sport game 9-0

  • I'm in the highest maths group and we are learning about the perimeter and ares
  • One of my favorite is chinse and we learnt all the the numbers up to 100 

Friday 3 June 2016

CARE values

What: I have been involved in the CARE values
So what: I am a master at use my time wisely
Now what: I still need to work on putting books away where I found them.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

My Final 2015 Blog

The funniest thing that happened this year was when I was playing cricket and I dived to catch the ball and my pants griped into the ground and they nearly fell down.

The highlights of the year was cricket, camp, winter sport, passion project and having Mr Forman as a teacher.  

Wednesday 9 December 2015


I felt SLC went well with my maths.
My favourite part of the SLC was getting to share my maths.
My next goal for 2016 is to get better in writing.
This year I feel I have made the most improvements in handwriting because I learnt how to link my letters.    

Thursday 29 October 2015

Narrative Study

Title: Monday mornings
Author: Marco Fazzi
Genre: Short story
Settings: bedroom, middle of the front garden, school, soccer field
characters: Josh Millar
Plot: Josh Miller did not like getting up on Monday mornings. He got dressed. He ate a bowl of cereal. In the middle of the front yard was a football.
Favourite: My favourite part of the text is when Josh Millar was the teacher.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Thursday 24 September 2015


I really liked this book and I think you will like this book to.